Friday, January 18, 2008

My Peyton Journey

My Peyton is almost 9 now, 3 weeks from today to be exact!!!
Some of you know of my journey with my oldest son Peyton. He has had quite an eventful life filled with many struggles and alot of frustration and many tears.

He has come a long way when it comes to his ability to learn and interact with other children. Since Peyton was 4 years old he has had an IEP, and Individualized Education Plan. He was recognized for needing extra help in speech as well as his social skills.

As of today, he no longer qualifies and will be graduating from speech class.

I have waited for this day since he was about 2.
Peyton is a sweet boy and I am excited for him. He is growing up to be quite the little gentleman.
Love you Pey!

1 comment:

**Tia** said...

That is totally awesome!! Sounds like he's made some major strides. And you know Glenda, he couldn't have made such leaps and bounds if it wasn't for having such a loving, understanding mom. You're doing a great job with him! I'm so excited for him...and you!